🔇 Sonos is shooting itself in the foot

Disaster after disaster

Audio Bytes #55 is presented by Headphonesty

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We are trying out a new format where we send a few featured stories during weekdays and only include a weekly roundup on Saturdays. Let us know what you think of this new format.

- Colin


Sonos' golden age has hit a sour note.

The audio giant's highly anticipated Ace headphones and app launch turned into a mess of bugs, angering customers.

Despite frantic damage control—public mea culpas, emergency updates—Sonos continues to struggle.

With delayed products, plummeting stocks, and a reputation in tatters, audiophiles wonder: can this fallen icon rise from the ashes, or is it destined for the bargain bin of tech history? Let’s find out.

👻 Blast From The Past

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🤡 Meme of The Day

That's it for today.

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